Through A Different Lens
Through A Different Lens is a teacher led project sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation. This blog involves teachers from grades 1-12 in SD67 who are focusing on alternative methods of instruction and assessment to help all students succeed.
Tech for Teachers SD67 Technology Teacher Anita Toneatto's blog with tech tips, resources and more.
Sharing Ideas For the Classroom
by SD67 classroom teacher Scott Harkness.
This blog is a good example of blogging as reflective practice. Scott is currently blogging about his Biology 12 flipped classroom.
Clarify Me
by SD67 Math and Science Teacher Claire Thompson. Again, a good example of reflective practice and creating conversations with other educators primarily around technology and education.
Racing In the Rain
by SD67 English Teacher Naryn Searcy.
Naryn writes inspiring weekly stories about students in her classroom and her own teaching practice to, as she puts it, "remind myself why I got into this profession in the first place."
On Learning
by SD67 Educator and Administrator Darcy Mullin
Inspiring reflections on change and learning in the classroom as well as highlighting practices of other colleagues.